Demo - Bias in Word Embedding

In this demo, we are going to work with three complete word embeddings at once in the notebook, which will take a lot of memory (~20GB). Therefore, if your machine doesn’t have plenty of RAM, it is possible to perform the analysis either separately for each word embeddings or only on one.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt

from gensim import downloader
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

Download and Load Word Embeddings

Google’s Word2Vec - Google News dataset (100B tokens, 3M vocab, cased, 300d vectors, 1.65GB download)

w2v_path = downloader.load('word2vec-google-news-300', return_path=True)

w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(w2v_path, binary=True)

Facebook’s fastText

fasttext_path = downloader.load('fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300', return_path=True)

fasttext_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(fasttext_path)

Stanford’s Glove - Common Crawl (840B tokens, 2.2M vocab, cased, 300d vectors, 2.03 GB download)

import os
import gzip
import shutil
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from zipfile import ZipFile
from pathlib import Path

from gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec import glove2word2vec


if GLOVE_PATH is None:
    glove_zip_path, _ = urlretrieve('')
    glob_dir_path = Path(glove_zip_path).parent
    with ZipFile(glove_zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
    print('Converting to Word2Vec format...')
    glove2word2vec(glob_dir_path / 'glove.840B.300d.txt',
                   glob_dir_path / 'glove.840B.300d.w2v.txt')

glove_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(glob_dir_path / 'glove.840B.300d.w2v.txt')
Converting to Word2Vec format...

Bolukbasi Bias Measure and Debiasing

Based on: Bolukbasi Tolga, Kai-Wei Chang, James Y. Zou, Venkatesh Saligrama, and Adam T. Kalai. Man is to computer programmer as woman is to homemaker? debiasing word embeddings. NIPS 2016.

from responsibly.we import GenderBiasWE, most_similar

Create a gender bias word embedding object (GenderBiasWE)

w2v_gender_bias_we = GenderBiasWE(w2v_model, only_lower=False, verbose=True)
Identify direction using pca method...
  Principal Component    Explained Variance Ratio
---------------------  --------------------------
                    1                  0.605292
                    2                  0.127255
                    3                  0.099281
                    4                  0.0483466
                    5                  0.0406355
                    6                  0.0252729
                    7                  0.0232224
                    8                  0.0123879
                    9                  0.00996098
                   10                  0.00834613

Evaluate the Word Embedding

w2v_biased_evaluation = w2v_gender_bias_we.evaluate_word_embedding()

Word pairs

pearson_r pearson_pvalue spearman_r spearman_pvalue ratio_unkonwn_words
MEN 0.682 0.00 0.699 0.00 0.000
Mturk 0.632 0.00 0.656 0.00 0.000
RG65 0.801 0.03 0.685 0.09 0.000
RW 0.523 0.00 0.553 0.00 33.727
SimLex999 0.447 0.00 0.436 0.00 0.100
TR9856 0.661 0.00 0.662 0.00 85.430
WS353 0.624 0.00 0.659 0.00 0.000


Google 0.740
MSR-syntax 0.736

Calculate direct gender bias


Plot the projection of the most extreme professions on the gender direction


Plot the distribution of projections of the word groups that are being used for the auditing and adjusting the model

  1. profession_name - List of profession names, neutral and gender spcific.

  2. neutral_profession_name - List of only neutral profession names.

  3. specific_seed - Seed list of gender specific words.

  4. specific_full - List of the learned specifc gender over all the vocabulary.

  5. specific_full_with_definitional_equalize - specific_full with the words that were used to define the gender direction.

  6. neutral_words - List of all the words in the vocabulary that are not part of specific_full_with_definitional_equalize.


Generate analogies along the gender direction


The following paper criticize the generating analogies process when used with unrestricted=False (as in the original Tolga’s paper):

Nissim, M., van Noord, R., van der Goot, R. (2019). Fair is Better than Sensational: Man is to Doctor as Woman is to Doctor.

Using unrestricted=False will prevent the generation of analogies of the form a:x::b:x such as she:doctor::he:doctor. Therefore, the method my introduce “fake” bias.

unrestricted is set to False by default.

/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Not Using unrestricted most_similar may introduce fake biased analogies.
she he distance score
100 Michelle Kris 0.998236 0.278537
101 Marie Rene 0.964208 0.277007
102 Because Obviously 0.831023 0.275847
103 Freshman Rookie 0.860134 0.275070
104 L. D. 0.547581 0.270656
105 gender racial 0.929380 0.270301
106 designer architect 0.998560 0.269882
107 pitcher starter 0.880994 0.269517
108 dress garb 0.922170 0.268413
109 midfielder playmaker 0.794748 0.264263
110 teen youth 0.991954 0.263156
111 Kim Lee 0.912462 0.262296
112 wife nephew 0.920047 0.260974
113 freshmen rookies 0.926256 0.258481
114 tissue cartilage 0.916341 0.255413
115 Clinton Kerry 0.870915 0.253803
116 friend buddy 0.778140 0.253237
117 Madonna Jay_Z 0.992756 0.249955
118 sophomore pounder 0.994297 0.249418
119 French Frenchman 0.930501 0.245944
120 Hillary_Clinton Rudy_Giuliani 0.991420 0.245931
121 grandchildren uncle 0.977610 0.245361
122 designers architects 0.958956 0.244383
123 amazing unbelievable 0.599789 0.244071
124 nurses doctors 0.860856 0.242197
125 incredibly obviously 0.995428 0.240613
126 designed engineered 0.955340 0.240351
127 athletes players 0.981356 0.236221
128 royal king 0.975726 0.235774
129 cigarette cigar 0.874594 0.235614
130 Ali Omar 0.782018 0.235450

Let’s examine the analogy #129: she:volleyball::he:football. We can try to reproduce it with by applying the arithmetic by ourselves: football - he + she with responsibly’s most_similar:

most_similar(w2v_model, positive=['volleyball', 'he'], negative=['she'], topn=3)
[('volleyball', 0.6795172777227771),
 ('football', 0.5900704595582971),
 ('basketball', 0.5792855302799551)]

While gensim’s most_similar drops results which are in the original equation (i.e. positives or negatives)

w2v_model.most_similar(positive=['volleyball', 'he'], negative=['she'], topn=3)
[('football', 0.5900704860687256),
 ('basketball', 0.5792855620384216),
 ('soccer', 0.5567079782485962)]

Because of Tolga’s method of generating analogies which are used in generate_analogies, it is not possible to come up with analogies that have the form she:X::he:X, that doesn’t reflect a gender bias. Therefore, the method itself may introduce “fake” bias.

We can run generate_analogies with unrestricted=True to address this issue. Then, for each generated analogies, responsibly’s most_similar function will be called twice for she:X::he:Y - once for getting X and second for Y. An analogy is considered to be matched if the generated X and Y match the results from most_similar.

Note: running with unrestricted=True may take some minutes on the original word embedding. Therefore we will use a reduced version of Word2Vec which is available in responsibly.

from responsibly.we import load_w2v_small

model_w2v_small = load_w2v_small()
w2v_small_gender_bias_we = GenderBiasWE(model_w2v_small)
w2v_small_gender_bias_we.generate_analogies(50, unrestricted=True)[40:]
she he distance score most_x most_y match
40 sexy manly 0.957372 0.315748 manly sexy False
41 females males 0.540050 0.309507 females males True
42 pink red 0.884951 0.307515 red pink False
43 wonderful great 0.685876 0.303149 great wonderful False
44 chair chairman 0.876192 0.300693 chairwoman chair False
45 friends buddies 0.771554 0.299829 buddies friends False
46 female male 0.564742 0.295819 male female False
47 beauty grandeur 0.995714 0.293428 grandeur beauty False
48 teenager youngster 0.726009 0.289508 youngster teenager False
49 cute goofy 0.823867 0.289354 goofy cute False

Generate the Indirect Gender Bias in the direction softball-football

w2v_gender_bias_we.generate_closest_words_indirect_bias('softball', 'football')
projection indirect_bias
end word
softball bookkeeper 0.178528 0.201158
receptionist 0.158782 0.672343
registered_nurse 0.156625 0.287150
waitress 0.145104 0.317842
paralegal 0.142549 0.372737
football cleric -0.165978 0.017845
maestro -0.180458 0.415805
pundit -0.193208 0.101227
businessman -0.195981 0.170079
footballer -0.337858 0.015366

Association with percentage of female in occupation

import pandas as pd


pd.Series(OCCUPATION_FEMALE_PRECENTAGE).sort_values().plot(kind='barh', figsize=(5, 10));
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(14, 10))


Perform hard-debiasing

The table shows the details of the equalize step on the equality sets.

w2v_gender_debias_we = w2v_gender_bias_we.debias('hard', inplace=False)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2997983/2997983 [02:12<00:00, 22549.86it/s]
Equalize Words Data (all equal for 1-dim bias space (direction):
                            equalized_projected_scalar    projected_scalar    scaling
------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------  ---------
(0, 'twin_brother')                          -0.490669        -0.236034      0.490669
(0, 'twin_sister')                            0.490669         0.335621      0.490669
(1, 'she')                                    0.443113         0.469059      0.443113
(1, 'he')                                    -0.443113        -0.362353      0.443113
(2, 'king')                                  -0.42974         -0.147191      0.42974
(2, 'queen')                                  0.42974          0.349422      0.42974
(3, 'brother')                               -0.379581        -0.215975      0.379581
(3, 'sister')                                 0.379581         0.30764       0.379581
(4, 'SHE')                                    0.540225         0.385345      0.540225
(4, 'HE')                                    -0.540225        -0.120598      0.540225
(5, 'spokesman')                             -0.34572         -0.157774      0.34572
(5, 'spokeswoman')                            0.34572          0.299861      0.34572
(6, 'son')                                   -0.289697        -0.121614      0.289697
(6, 'daughter')                               0.289697         0.292953      0.289697
(7, 'BUSINESSMAN')                           -0.433807        -0.115595      0.433807
(7, 'BUSINESSWOMAN')                          0.433807         0.221015      0.433807
(8, 'prostate_cancer')                       -0.323124        -0.133314      0.323124
(8, 'ovarian_cancer')                         0.323124         0.226155      0.323124
(9, 'SONS')                                  -0.482901        -0.0158731     0.482901
(9, 'DAUGHTERS')                              0.482901         0.162073      0.482901
(10, 'SON')                                  -0.521962         0.0122388     0.521962
(10, 'DAUGHTER')                              0.521962         0.171916      0.521962
(11, 'boy')                                  -0.29452         -0.0826128     0.29452
(11, 'girl')                                  0.29452          0.318458      0.29452
(12, 'businessman')                          -0.433252        -0.218544      0.433252
(12, 'businesswoman')                         0.433252         0.379637      0.433252
(13, 'Daughter')                              0.469635         0.22278       0.469635
(13, 'Son')                                  -0.469635        -0.168291      0.469635
(14, 'Testosterone')                         -0.438459        -0.0278472     0.438459
(14, 'Estrogen')                              0.438459         0.140597      0.438459
(15, 'Gal')                                   0.59801          0.110373      0.59801
(15, 'Guy')                                  -0.59801         -0.137855      0.59801
(16, 'He')                                   -0.316178        -0.178255      0.316178
(16, 'She')                                   0.316178         0.330259      0.316178
(17, 'colt')                                 -0.277647         0.038939      0.277647
(17, 'filly')                                 0.277647         0.248487      0.277647
(18, 'Uncle')                                -0.506537        -0.216235      0.506537
(18, 'Aunt')                                  0.506537         0.347936      0.506537
(19, 'Dad')                                  -0.351847        -0.0842964     0.351847
(19, 'Mom')                                   0.351847         0.245609      0.351847
(20, 'monastery')                            -0.41815          0.00771394    0.41815
(20, 'convent')                               0.41815          0.264842      0.41815
(21, 'Sons')                                 -0.54096         -0.0837717     0.54096
(21, 'Daughters')                             0.54096          0.287506      0.54096
(22, 'her')                                   0.430368         0.446157      0.430368
(22, 'his')                                  -0.430368        -0.333555      0.430368
(23, 'MALES')                                -0.357316         0.122686      0.357316
(23, 'FEMALES')                               0.357316         0.179751      0.357316
(24, 'Grandfather')                          -0.404502        -0.106806      0.404502
(24, 'Grandmother')                           0.404502         0.266623      0.404502
(25, 'MAN')                                  -0.416802        -0.0911706     0.416802
(25, 'WOMAN')                                 0.416802         0.257037      0.416802
(26, 'Her')                                   0.272142         0.267272      0.272142
(26, 'His')                                  -0.272142        -0.122555      0.272142
(27, 'Father')                               -0.498544        -0.197701      0.498544
(27, 'Mother')                                0.498544         0.312446      0.498544
(28, 'SCHOOLBOY')                            -0.354319        -0.0530171     0.354319
(28, 'SCHOOLGIRL')                            0.354319         0.26279       0.354319
(29, 'Males')                                -0.356464         0.0607782     0.356464
(29, 'Females')                               0.356464         0.190471      0.356464
(30, 'Monastery')                            -0.525956         0.0928539     0.525956
(30, 'Convent')                               0.525956         0.210066      0.525956
(31, 'WOMAN')                                 0.416802         0.416802      0.416802
(31, 'MAN')                                  -0.416802        -0.416802      0.416802
(32, 'gelding')                              -0.293829         0.0329541     0.293829
(32, 'mare')                                  0.293829         0.25824       0.293829
(33, 'BROTHER')                              -0.39397         -0.0290051     0.39397
(33, 'SISTER')                                0.39397          0.214365      0.39397
(34, 'NEPHEW')                               -0.391999         0.0409397     0.391999
(34, 'NIECE')                                 0.391999         0.133487      0.391999
(35, 'Woman')                                 0.392149         0.238867      0.392149
(35, 'Man')                                  -0.392149        -0.184176      0.392149
(36, 'Herself')                               0.479517         0.29538       0.479517
(36, 'Himself')                              -0.479517        -0.220471      0.479517
(37, 'FATHERHOOD')                           -0.391908        -0.00414218    0.391908
(37, 'MOTHERHOOD')                            0.391908         0.275103      0.391908
(38, 'HIMSELF')                              -0.388876        -0.148449      0.388876
(38, 'HERSELF')                               0.388876         0.247386      0.388876
(39, 'Dads')                                 -0.413548         0.0235679     0.413548
(39, 'Moms')                                  0.413548         0.274793      0.413548
(40, 'UNCLE')                                -0.55611         -0.0985665     0.55611
(40, 'AUNT')                                  0.55611          0.23314       0.55611
(41, 'EX_GIRLFRIEND')                         0.351169         0.0955083     0.351169
(41, 'EX_BOYFRIEND')                         -0.351169         0.0702349     0.351169
(42, 'KING')                                 -0.492517         0.00505558    0.492517
(42, 'QUEEN')                                 0.492517         0.189189      0.492517
(43, 'BROTHERS')                             -0.454497        -0.0106211     0.454497
(43, 'SISTERS')                               0.454497         0.231603      0.454497
(44, 'FEMALE')                                0.483523         0.179938      0.483523
(44, 'MALE')                                 -0.483523         0.0635581     0.483523
(45, 'CHAIRMAN')                             -0.41157         -0.0895591     0.41157
(45, 'CHAIRWOMAN')                            0.41157          0.115293      0.41157
(46, 'men')                                  -0.37037         -0.0550618     0.37037
(46, 'women')                                 0.37037          0.344343      0.37037
(47, 'FATHER')                               -0.391596        -0.0389424     0.391596
(47, 'MOTHER')                                0.391596         0.235139      0.391596
(48, 'GIRL')                                  0.395733         0.242016      0.395733
(48, 'BOY')                                  -0.395733        -0.0573038     0.395733
(49, 'She')                                   0.316178         0.316178      0.316178
(49, 'He')                                   -0.316178        -0.316178      0.316178
(50, 'grandfather')                          -0.365996        -0.166732      0.365996
(50, 'grandmother')                           0.365996         0.214762      0.365996
(51, 'FELLA')                                -0.407682         0.0719139     0.407682
(51, 'GRANNY')                                0.407682         0.238423      0.407682
(52, 'HER')                                   0.509812         0.267332      0.509812
(52, 'HIS')                                  -0.509812        -0.0502074     0.509812
(53, 'MOTHER')                                0.391596         0.391596      0.391596
(53, 'FATHER')                               -0.391596        -0.391596      0.391596
(54, 'HIS')                                  -0.509812        -0.509812      0.509812
(54, 'HER')                                   0.509812         0.509812      0.509812
(55, 'GAL')                                   0.596187         0.185162      0.596187
(55, 'GUY')                                  -0.596187        -0.0558901     0.596187
(56, 'Brothers')                             -0.525812        -0.186208      0.525812
(56, 'Sisters')                               0.525812         0.283176      0.525812
(57, 'dads')                                 -0.396782         0.0161552     0.396782
(57, 'moms')                                  0.396782         0.313671      0.396782
(58, 'Congressman')                          -0.440227        -0.094876      0.440227
(58, 'Congresswoman')                         0.440227         0.330899      0.440227
(59, 'Boys')                                 -0.372932        -0.0837174     0.372932
(59, 'Girls')                                 0.372932         0.265106      0.372932
(60, 'man')                                  -0.346934        -0.220952      0.346934
(60, 'woman')                                 0.346934         0.340348      0.346934
(61, 'boys')                                 -0.286694        -0.0196151     0.286694
(61, 'girls')                                 0.286694         0.306264      0.286694
(62, 'kings')                                -0.451522        -0.150457      0.451522
(62, 'queens')                                0.451522         0.284191      0.451522
(63, 'Boy')                                  -0.398915        -0.0954833     0.398915
(63, 'Girl')                                  0.398915         0.251796      0.398915
(64, 'dudes')                                -0.420662        -0.0660332     0.420662
(64, 'gals')                                  0.420662         0.311196      0.420662
(65, 'fatherhood')                           -0.45719         -0.114388      0.45719
(65, 'motherhood')                            0.45719          0.400818      0.45719
(66, 'grandpa')                              -0.342244        -0.08867       0.342244
(66, 'grandma')                               0.342244         0.23426       0.342244
(67, 'girl')                                  0.29452          0.29452       0.29452
(67, 'boy')                                  -0.29452         -0.29452       0.29452
(68, 'Grandsons')                            -0.518755        -0.00799486    0.518755
(68, 'Granddaughters')                        0.518755         0.280871      0.518755
(69, 'fella')                                -0.500677        -0.139339      0.500677
(69, 'granny')                                0.500677         0.223876      0.500677
(70, 'FATHERS')                              -0.496495         0.115495      0.496495
(70, 'MOTHERS')                               0.496495         0.249673      0.496495
(71, 'FRATERNITY')                           -0.374105         0.0226484     0.374105
(71, 'SORORITY')                              0.374105         0.164613      0.374105
(72, 'MALE')                                 -0.483523        -0.483523      0.483523
(72, 'FEMALE')                                0.483523         0.483523      0.483523
(73, 'His')                                  -0.272142        -0.272142      0.272142
(73, 'Her')                                   0.272142         0.272142      0.272142
(74, 'Chairman')                             -0.47138         -0.171282      0.47138
(74, 'Chairwoman')                            0.47138          0.378271      0.47138
(75, 'BOYS')                                 -0.322782        -0.0660134     0.322782
(75, 'GIRLS')                                 0.322782         0.231138      0.322782
(76, 'he')                                   -0.443113        -0.443113      0.443113
(76, 'she')                                   0.443113         0.443113      0.443113
(77, 'SPOKESMAN')                            -0.380453        -0.0499313     0.380453
(77, 'SPOKESWOMAN')                           0.380453         0.0706001     0.380453
(78, 'Mother')                                0.498544         0.498544      0.498544
(78, 'Father')                               -0.498544        -0.498544      0.498544
(79, 'BOY')                                  -0.395733        -0.395733      0.395733
(79, 'GIRL')                                  0.395733         0.395733      0.395733
(80, 'congressman')                          -0.427999        -0.0735924     0.427999
(80, 'congresswoman')                         0.427999         0.260272      0.427999
(81, 'Councilman')                           -0.397548        -0.127344      0.397548
(81, 'Councilwoman')                          0.397548         0.343178      0.397548
(82, 'GRANDSON')                             -0.329135        -0.0209265     0.329135
(82, 'GRANDDAUGHTER')                         0.329135         0.13067       0.329135
(83, 'male')                                 -0.336739         0.083992      0.336739
(83, 'female')                                0.336739         0.282941      0.336739
(84, 'King')                                 -0.496294        -0.116789      0.496294
(84, 'Queen')                                 0.496294         0.245944      0.496294
(85, 'nephew')                               -0.34779         -0.199274      0.34779
(85, 'niece')                                 0.34779          0.251294      0.34779
(86, 'Fatherhood')                           -0.523357        -0.0710201     0.523357
(86, 'Motherhood')                            0.523357         0.348078      0.523357
(87, 'prince')                               -0.417368        -0.009603      0.417368
(87, 'princess')                              0.417368         0.316339      0.417368
(88, 'PRINCE')                               -0.450062        -0.00160602    0.450062
(88, 'PRINCESS')                              0.450062         0.293144      0.450062
(89, 'Colt')                                 -0.611685        -0.148979      0.611685
(89, 'Filly')                                 0.611685         0.228734      0.611685
(90, 'WIVES')                                -0.415113         0.0981047     0.415113
(90, 'HUSBANDS')                              0.415113         0.19312       0.415113
(91, 'dad')                                  -0.365253        -0.115006      0.365253
(91, 'mom')                                   0.365253         0.281311      0.365253
(92, 'gal')                                   0.51301          0.400741      0.51301
(92, 'guy')                                  -0.51301         -0.326011      0.51301
(93, 'father')                               -0.332768        -0.147961      0.332768
(93, 'mother')                                0.332768         0.300389      0.332768
(94, 'Schoolboy')                            -0.451227        -0.131485      0.451227
(94, 'Schoolgirl')                            0.451227         0.241867      0.451227
(95, 'MARY')                                  0.356334         0.222307      0.356334
(95, 'JOHN')                                 -0.356334        -0.0818515     0.356334
(96, 'wives')                                -0.402256         0.0785034     0.402256
(96, 'husbands')                              0.402256         0.264852      0.402256
(97, 'Gelding')                              -0.543137         0.0701695     0.543137
(97, 'Mare')                                  0.543137         0.147159      0.543137
(98, 'Grandpa')                              -0.389706        -0.088718      0.389706
(98, 'Grandma')                               0.389706         0.293524      0.389706
(99, 'chairman')                             -0.436074        -0.182156      0.436074
(99, 'chairwoman')                            0.436074         0.388825      0.436074
(100, 'himself')                             -0.401098        -0.38296       0.401098
(100, 'herself')                              0.401098         0.378141      0.401098
(101, 'GENTLEMEN')                           -0.504079        -0.0460637     0.504079
(101, 'LADIES')                               0.504079         0.191514      0.504079
(102, 'DAUGHTER')                             0.521962         0.521962      0.521962
(102, 'SON')                                 -0.521962        -0.521962      0.521962
(103, 'Men')                                 -0.429011        -0.0406838     0.429011
(103, 'Women')                                0.429011         0.350025      0.429011
(104, 'Grandson')                            -0.436104        -0.184543      0.436104
(104, 'Granddaughter')                        0.436104         0.262283      0.436104
(105, 'CONGRESSMAN')                         -0.362044        -0.038846      0.362044
(105, 'CONGRESSWOMAN')                        0.362044         0.134128      0.362044
(106, 'Dudes')                               -0.511909         0.108169      0.511909
(106, 'Gals')                                 0.511909         0.224083      0.511909
(107, 'sons')                                -0.295192        -0.0671465     0.295192
(107, 'daughters')                            0.295192         0.232942      0.295192
(108, 'HERSELF')                              0.388876         0.388876      0.388876
(108, 'HIMSELF')                             -0.388876        -0.388876      0.388876
(109, 'ex_girlfriend')                       -0.320849         0.0607288     0.320849
(109, 'ex_boyfriend')                         0.320849         0.184493      0.320849
(110, 'herself')                              0.401098         0.401098      0.401098
(110, 'himself')                             -0.401098        -0.401098      0.401098
(111, 'males')                               -0.311424         0.0583918     0.311424
(111, 'females')                              0.311424         0.251908      0.311424
(112, 'mother')                               0.332768         0.332768      0.332768
(112, 'father')                              -0.332768        -0.332768      0.332768
(113, 'HE')                                  -0.540225        -0.540225      0.540225
(113, 'SHE')                                  0.540225         0.540225      0.540225
(114, 'uncle')                               -0.343917        -0.184815      0.343917
(114, 'aunt')                                 0.343917         0.227356      0.343917
(115, 'Fella')                               -0.635087        -0.0236144     0.635087
(115, 'Granny')                               0.635087         0.229781      0.635087
(116, 'councilman')                          -0.357917        -0.0988956     0.357917
(116, 'councilwoman')                         0.357917         0.327105      0.357917
(117, 'schoolboy')                           -0.401826        -0.185449      0.401826
(117, 'schoolgirl')                           0.401826         0.285677      0.401826
(118, 'fraternity')                          -0.439336        -0.126512      0.439336
(118, 'sorority')                             0.439336         0.312585      0.439336
(119, 'MONASTERY')                           -0.476844         0.0618239     0.476844
(119, 'CONVENT')                              0.476844         0.0779661     0.476844
(120, 'KINGS')                               -0.506902        -0.0580522     0.506902
(120, 'QUEENS')                               0.506902         0.0699294     0.506902
(121, 'GRANDPA')                             -0.38419          0.0151106     0.38419
(121, 'GRANDMA')                              0.38419          0.205817      0.38419
(122, 'Gentlemen')                           -0.556283        -0.0475263     0.556283
(122, 'Ladies')                               0.556283         0.247173      0.556283
(123, 'catholic_priest')                     -0.491534        -0.0380949     0.491534
(123, 'nun')                                  0.491534         0.26478       0.491534
(124, 'Brother')                             -0.521082        -0.241616      0.521082
(124, 'Sister')                               0.521082         0.345172      0.521082
(125, 'mary')                                 0.444525         0.192964      0.444525
(125, 'john')                                -0.444525        -0.0204266     0.444525
(126, 'DADS')                                -0.583846         0.0983991     0.583846
(126, 'MOMS')                                 0.583846         0.234249      0.583846
(127, 'Wives')                               -0.540185         0.104208      0.540185
(127, 'Husbands')                             0.540185         0.153448      0.540185
(128, 'Male')                                -0.405189         0.0366158     0.405189
(128, 'Female')                               0.405189         0.198377      0.405189
(129, 'Prince')                              -0.511457        -0.0959666     0.511457
(129, 'Princess')                             0.511457         0.337395      0.511457
(130, 'Mary')                                 0.488704         0.301974      0.488704
(130, 'John')                                -0.488704        -0.251126      0.488704
(131, 'Female')                               0.405189         0.405189      0.405189
(131, 'Male')                                -0.405189        -0.405189      0.405189
(132, 'DAD')                                 -0.548123        -0.00731271    0.548123
(132, 'MOM')                                  0.548123         0.143416      0.548123
(133, 'Prostate_Cancer')                     -0.388372        -0.101902      0.388372
(133, 'Ovarian_Cancer')                       0.388372         0.203867      0.388372
(134, 'Himself')                             -0.479517        -0.479517      0.479517
(134, 'Herself')                              0.479517         0.479517      0.479517
(135, 'female')                               0.336739         0.336739      0.336739
(135, 'male')                                -0.336739        -0.336739      0.336739
(136, 'Girl')                                 0.398915         0.398915      0.398915
(136, 'Boy')                                 -0.398915        -0.398915      0.398915
(137, 'Man')                                 -0.392149        -0.392149      0.392149
(137, 'Woman')                                0.392149         0.392149      0.392149
(138, 'Son')                                 -0.469635        -0.469635      0.469635
(138, 'Daughter')                             0.469635         0.469635      0.469635
(139, 'Gentleman')                           -0.64165         -0.107577      0.64165
(139, 'Lady')                                 0.64165          0.331577      0.64165
(140, 'woman')                                0.346934         0.346934      0.346934
(140, 'man')                                 -0.346934        -0.346934      0.346934
(141, 'his')                                 -0.430368        -0.430368      0.430368
(141, 'her')                                  0.430368         0.430368      0.430368
(142, 'grandsons')                           -0.324771        -0.0453894     0.324771
(142, 'granddaughters')                       0.324771         0.23981       0.324771
(143, 'daughter')                             0.289697         0.289697      0.289697
(143, 'son')                                 -0.289697        -0.289697      0.289697
(144, 'Nephew')                              -0.589035        -0.104864      0.589035
(144, 'Niece')                                0.589035         0.129172      0.589035
(145, 'COLT')                                -0.574654         0.0448574     0.574654
(145, 'FILLY')                                0.574654         0.128587      0.574654
(146, 'fathers')                             -0.418326        -0.0428798     0.418326
(146, 'mothers')                              0.418326         0.363402      0.418326
(147, 'Fraternity')                          -0.444296        -0.0604545     0.444296
(147, 'Sorority')                             0.444296         0.255009      0.444296
(148, 'Fathers')                             -0.497203        -0.0100986     0.497203
(148, 'Mothers')                              0.497203         0.278392      0.497203
(149, 'PROSTATE_CANCER')                     -0.366725         0.0937956     0.366725
(149, 'OVARIAN_CANCER')                       0.366725         0.105068      0.366725
(150, 'GENTLEMAN')                           -0.415516         0.0409928     0.415516
(150, 'LADY')                                 0.415516         0.232875      0.415516
(151, 'Businessman')                         -0.47819         -0.219352      0.47819
(151, 'Businesswoman')                        0.47819          0.316095      0.47819
(152, 'GRANDFATHER')                         -0.331654         0.000438667   0.331654
(152, 'GRANDMOTHER')                          0.331654         0.197366      0.331654
(153, 'gentlemen')                           -0.471394        -0.0597054     0.471394
(153, 'ladies')                               0.471394         0.31663       0.471394
(154, 'brothers')                            -0.401082        -0.199109      0.401082
(154, 'sisters')                              0.401082         0.332171      0.401082
(155, 'MEN')                                 -0.504133         0.0498845     0.504133
(155, 'WOMEN')                                0.504133         0.268836      0.504133
(156, 'grandson')                            -0.29271         -0.0966837     0.29271
(156, 'granddaughter')                        0.29271          0.240935      0.29271
(157, 'DUDES')                               -0.547787         0.0688136     0.547787
(157, 'GALS')                                 0.547787         0.182588      0.547787
(158, 'Kings')                               -0.569429        -0.058123      0.569429
(158, 'Queens')                               0.569429         0.00867156    0.569429
(159, 'testosterone')                        -0.411566        -0.0294625     0.411566
(159, 'estrogen')                             0.411566         0.237813      0.411566
(160, 'Spokesman')                           -0.402475        -0.128433      0.402475
(160, 'Spokeswoman')                          0.402475         0.313343      0.402475
(161, 'Ex_Girlfriend')                       -0.333678        -0.0357934     0.333678
(161, 'Ex_Boyfriend')                         0.333678         0.191153      0.333678
(162, 'gentleman')                           -0.504986        -0.138084      0.504986
(162, 'lady')                                 0.504986         0.351432      0.504986

Now our model is gender debiased, let’s check what changed…

Evaluate the debiased model

The evaluation of the word embedding did not change so much because of the debiasing:

w2v_debiased_evaluation = w2v_gender_debias_we.evaluate_word_embedding()
pearson_r pearson_pvalue spearman_r spearman_pvalue ratio_unkonwn_words
MEN 0.680 0.000 0.698 0.00 0.000
Mturk 0.633 0.000 0.657 0.00 0.000
RG65 0.800 0.031 0.685 0.09 0.000
RW 0.522 0.000 0.552 0.00 33.727
SimLex999 0.450 0.000 0.439 0.00 0.100
TR9856 0.660 0.000 0.661 0.00 85.430
WS353 0.621 0.000 0.657 0.00 0.000
Google 0.737
MSR-syntax 0.737

Calculate direct gender bias


The word embedding is not biased any more (in the professions sense).

Plot the projection of the most extreme professions on the gender direction

Note that (almost) all of the non-zero projection words are gender specific.

The word teenager have a projection on the gender direction because it was learned mistakenly as a gender-specific word by the linear SVM, and thus it was not neutralized in the debias processes.

The words provost, serviceman and librarian have zero projection on the gender direction.


Generate analogies along the gender direction

/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Not Using unrestricted most_similar may introduce fake biased analogies.
she he distance score
50 teenagers males 0.993710 3.133955e-01
51 horses colt 0.888134 3.126180e-01
52 cousin younger_brother 0.758962 3.097599e-01
53 really guys 0.904382 2.780662e-01
54 Lady Girl 0.981106 2.474099e-01
55 son Uncle 0.948682 2.285694e-01
56 mum daddy 0.980105 2.232467e-01
57 Boy Guy 0.917343 2.170350e-01
58 lady waitress 0.972788 2.142569e-01
59 boy gentleman 0.988562 2.129009e-01
60 Hey dude 0.919240 2.007594e-01
61 striker lad 0.981813 1.960293e-01
62 father Father 0.915928 1.809929e-01
63 Cavaliers Bulls 0.843798 1.757572e-01
64 counterparts brethren 0.907441 1.688463e-01
65 girlfriend cousin 0.902712 1.659258e-01
66 God Him 0.768831 1.635439e-01
67 dealer salesman 0.980144 1.602965e-01
68 brother Brother 0.937209 1.509814e-01
69 replied sir 0.924511 1.454486e-01
70 brothers Brothers 0.863473 1.444512e-01
71 entrepreneurs businessmen 0.870914 1.430111e-01
72 muscle muscular 0.879145 1.414681e-01
73 sons wives 0.834242 1.283380e-01
74 cancer prostate 0.957669 1.266430e-01
75 dad Son 0.953167 1.095110e-01
76 Carl Earl 0.907355 1.089646e-01
77 Twins Minnesota_Twins 0.569007 1.061712e-01
78 males Male 0.908794 1.031754e-01
79 officials spokesmen 0.993293 1.011937e-01
... ... ... ... ...
120 Susan David 0.785386 3.504101e-08
121 bought rented 0.987472 3.352761e-08
122 Kevin AJ 0.968675 3.352761e-08
123 evaluate monitor 0.917602 3.352761e-08
124 Harvey Barker 0.991995 3.352761e-08
125 physicians GPs 0.930456 3.352761e-08
126 Amanda Adrian 0.953031 3.352761e-08
127 And Some 0.952518 3.352761e-08
128 Suns Padres 0.993828 3.352761e-08
129 Oakland Bay_Area 0.880000 3.352761e-08
130 soldiers marines 0.737734 3.352761e-08
131 Osama_bin_Laden Islamic_extremists 0.981496 3.166497e-08
132 Senate House_Speaker 0.987174 3.166497e-08
133 Larry Mel 0.949718 3.166497e-08
134 Of_course Typically 0.940184 3.166497e-08
135 Pyongyang uranium_enrichment 0.973787 3.166497e-08
136 earn garner 0.942567 3.166497e-08
137 Brewers St._Louis_Cardinals 0.888862 3.166497e-08
138 bin_Laden Osama 0.686982 3.166497e-08
139 Notre_Dame Badgers 0.946028 3.166497e-08
140 disease diseases 0.660790 3.166497e-08
141 horrible horrendous 0.563251 3.073364e-08
142 flying fly 0.802642 3.073364e-08
143 April June 0.317175 3.073364e-08
144 Jeff Greg 0.505365 3.073364e-08
145 Whether While 0.895121 2.980232e-08
146 Charlie Jamie 0.928001 2.980232e-08
147 plunged slumped 0.732912 2.980232e-08
148 anxious unhappy 0.975818 2.980232e-08
149 Bulldogs Gaels 0.828958 2.980232e-08

100 rows × 4 columns

Generate the Indirect Gender Bias in the direction softball-football

w2v_gender_debias_we.generate_closest_words_indirect_bias('softball', 'football')
projection indirect_bias
end word
softball infielder 0.149894 1.517707e-07
major_leaguer 0.113700 2.272566e-07
bookkeeper 0.104209 6.543536e-08
patrolman 0.092638 8.575430e-08
investigator 0.081746 -1.304292e-08
football midfielder -0.153175 -6.718459e-08
lecturer -0.153629 5.327011e-08
vice_chancellor -0.159645 -2.232139e-08
cleric -0.166934 -1.153845e-08
footballer -0.325018 6.779356e-08

Now Let’s Try with fastText

fasttext_gender_bias_we = GenderBiasWE(fasttext_model, only_lower=False, verbose=True)
Identify direction using pca method...
  Principal Component    Explained Variance Ratio
---------------------  --------------------------
                    1                   0.531331
                    2                   0.18376
                    3                   0.089777
                    4                   0.0517856
                    5                   0.0407739
                    6                   0.0328988
                    7                   0.0223339
                    8                   0.0193495
                    9                   0.0143259
                   10                   0.0136648

We can compare the projections of neutral profession names on the gender direction for the two original word embeddings

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(14, 10))
GenderBiasWE.plot_bias_across_word_embeddings({'Word2Vec': w2v_gender_bias_we,
                                               'FastText': fasttext_gender_bias_we},

Can we identify race bias? (Exploratory - API may change in a future release)

from responsibly.we import BiasWordEmbedding
from import BOLUKBASI_DATA
white_common_names = ['Emily', 'Anne', 'Jill', 'Allison', 'Laurie', 'Sarah', 'Meredith', 'Carrie',
                      'Kristen', 'Todd', 'Neil', 'Geoffrey', 'Brett', 'Brendan', 'Greg', 'Matthew',
                      'Jay', 'Brad']

black_common_names = ['Aisha', 'Keisha', 'Tamika', 'Lakisha', 'Tanisha', 'Latoya', 'Kenya', 'Latonya',
                      'Ebony', 'Rasheed', 'Tremayne', 'Kareem', 'Darnell', 'Tyrone', 'Hakim', 'Jamal',
                      'Leroy', 'Jermaine']
race_bias_we = BiasWordEmbedding(w2v_model,
race_bias_we._identify_direction('Whites', 'Blacks',
                                 definitional=(white_common_names, black_common_names),
Identify direction using sum method...
neutral_profession_names = race_bias_we._filter_words_by_model(BOLUKBASI_DATA['gender']['neutral_profession_names'])
race_bias_we.plot_dist_projections_on_direction({'neutral_profession_names': neutral_profession_names,
                                                 'Whites': white_common_names,
                                                 'Blacks': black_common_names});
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Not Using unrestricted most_similar may introduce fake biased analogies.
Whites Blacks distance score
0 white blacks 0.984017 0.300863
1 central_bank Federal_Reserve 0.803605 0.288356
2 Everton Merseyside 0.977917 0.267331
3 Reds Marlins 0.913352 0.265320
4 Palmer Lewis 0.963303 0.257839
5 Chapman Goodman 0.922701 0.257333
6 World_Cup Olympics 0.908482 0.255429
7 want Why 0.981551 0.251682
8 virus HIV 0.948869 0.250508
9 usually Often 0.904155 0.237194
10 brown black 0.920143 0.236836
11 definitely Honestly 0.990034 0.236568
12 soccer sports 0.915918 0.235413
13 Spurs Shaq 0.980871 0.235350
14 goalie shorthanded 0.997886 0.235113
15 tribe Native_Americans 0.952653 0.234396
16 tournament regionals 0.906039 0.233398
17 Chile Latin_America 0.947953 0.232998
18 defendant Defendant 0.639279 0.230648
19 West_Ham Londoners 0.982217 0.228847
20 Ghana Africans 0.995349 0.226636
21 Premier_League IPL 0.963885 0.226511
22 Leeds Midlands 0.924533 0.226077
23 Webb Byrd 0.976120 0.225578
24 shirt T_shirt 0.732459 0.224453
25 everybody Somebody 0.966056 0.223887
26 Falcons Canes 0.940961 0.223731
27 Ferguson Brown 0.976292 0.222968
28 militants Militants 0.758435 0.222902
29 Nicholas Ernest 0.959587 0.221283
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Not Using unrestricted most_similar may introduce fake biased analogies.
Whites Blacks distance score
100 only Only 0.943405 0.197555
101 Fletcher Norris 0.947846 0.197228
102 red white 0.928751 0.196619
103 jurors Jurors 0.697708 0.196573
104 complaints Complaints 0.710755 0.196412
105 knee_injury ankle_sprain 0.631131 0.196400
106 automatic automated 0.955530 0.196397
107 worries Concerns 0.794042 0.196306
108 Player Athlete 0.867647 0.196244
109 cricket BCCI 0.885252 0.196228
110 just Just 0.951253 0.196210
111 Nations aboriginal 0.988780 0.195973
112 assistant intern 0.925927 0.195862
113 ##st nd 0.899736 0.195463
114 Democratic_Party DNC 0.994089 0.195221
115 game Game 0.966801 0.195120
116 Bengals Texans 0.994674 0.194374
117 provincial Ontario 0.993721 0.194351
118 Scotland UK 0.933167 0.193891
119 Nathan Marcus 0.988859 0.193761
120 because Because 0.835368 0.192906
121 seems Seems 0.840152 0.192520
122 league postseason 0.960766 0.192454
123 defender defenders 0.715703 0.192400
124 celebrations parades 0.960279 0.192243
125 Republican Rudy_Giuliani 0.995810 0.192109
126 holiday Labor_Day 0.912426 0.191855
127 Norway Oslo 0.887618 0.191662
128 evidence Evidence 0.761856 0.191556
129 Elementary_School Public_Schools 0.940586 0.191520
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15))
race_bias_we.plot_projection_scores(neutral_profession_names, 15, ax=ax);

Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT)

Based on: Caliskan, A., Bryson, J. J., & Narayanan, A. (2017). Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases. Science, 356(6334), 183-186.

from responsibly.we import calc_all_weat

First, let’s look on a reduced version of Word2Vec.

calc_all_weat(model_w2v_small, filter_by='model', with_original_finding=True,
              with_pvalue=True, pvalue_kwargs={'method': 'approximate'})
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Given weat_data was filterd by model.
Target words Attrib. words Nt Na s d p original_N original_d original_p
0 Flowers vs. Insects Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 2x2 24x2 0.0455987 1.2461 1.6e-01 32 1.35 1e-8
1 Instruments vs. Weapons Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 16x2 24x2 0.9667 1.59092 0 32 1.66 1e-10
2 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 6x2 24x2 0.136516 1.1408 2.3e-02 26 1.17 1e-5
3 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 18x2 24x2 0.440816 1.3369 0
4 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 18x2 8x2 0.33806 0.733674 1.8e-02
5 Male names vs. Female names Career vs. Family 1x2 8x2 0.154198 2 0 39k 0.72 < 1e-2
6 Math vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 7x2 8x2 0.161991 0.835966 5.8e-02 28k 0.82 < 1e-2
7 Science vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 6x2 8x2 0.303524 1.37307 7.0e-03 91 1.47 1e-24
8 Mental disease vs. Physical disease Temporary vs. Permanent 6x2 5x2 0.342582 1.18702 2.5e-02 135 1.01 1e-3
9 Young people’s names vs. Old people’s names Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 0x2 7x2 43k 1.42 < 1e-2

Let’s reproduce the results from the paper on the full Word2Vec and Glove word embeddings:

calc_all_weat(glove_model, filter_by='data', with_original_finding=True,
              with_pvalue=True, pvalue_kwargs={'method': 'approximate'})
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Given weat_data was filterd by data.
Target words Attrib. words Nt Na s d p original_N original_d original_p
0 Flowers vs. Insects Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 25x2 25x2 2.2382 1.5196 0 32 1.35 1e-8
1 Instruments vs. Weapons Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 25x2 25x2 2.2906 1.5496 0 32 1.66 1e-10
2 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 32x2 25x2 1.6208 1.4163 0 26 1.17 1e-5
3 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 16x2 25x2 0.7272 1.5226 0
4 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 16x2 8x2 0.9177 1.3045 0
5 Male names vs. Female names Career vs. Family 8x2 8x2 1.2670 1.8734 0 39k 0.72 < 1e-2
6 Math vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.1989 1.0896 1.6e-02 28k 0.82 < 1e-2
7 Science vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.3456 1.2780 2.0e-03 91 1.47 1e-24
8 Mental disease vs. Physical disease Temporary vs. Permanent 6x2 7x2 0.5051 1.4442 2.0e-03 135 1.01 1e-3
9 Young people’s names vs. Old people’s names Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 8x2 8x2 0.5096 1.5520 0 43k 1.42 < 1e-2

Results from the paper:



calc_all_weat(w2v_model, filter_by='model', with_original_finding=True,
              with_pvalue=True, pvalue_kwargs={'method': 'approximate'})
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Given weat_data was filterd by model.
Target words Attrib. words Nt Na s d p original_N original_d original_p
0 Flowers vs. Insects Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 25x2 25x2 1.4078 1.5550 0 32 1.35 1e-8
1 Instruments vs. Weapons Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 24x2 25x2 1.7317 1.6638 0 32 1.66 1e-10
2 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 47x2 25x2 0.5672 0.6047 1.0e-03 26 1.17 1e-5
3 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 18x2 25x2 0.4180 1.3320 0
4 European American names vs. African American n... Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 18x2 8x2 0.3381 0.7337 1.8e-02
5 Male names vs. Female names Career vs. Family 8x2 8x2 1.2516 1.9518 0 39k 0.72 < 1e-2
6 Math vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.2255 0.9981 2.7e-02 28k 0.82 < 1e-2
7 Science vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.3572 1.2846 0 91 1.47 1e-24
8 Mental disease vs. Physical disease Temporary vs. Permanent 6x2 6x2 0.3727 1.3259 1.3e-02 135 1.01 1e-3
9 Young people’s names vs. Old people’s names Pleasant vs. Unpleasant 8x2 7x2 -0.0852 -0.3721 7.4e-01 43k 1.42 < 1e-2

Results from the paper:



It is possible also to expirements with new target word sets as in this example (Citizen-Immigrant)

No WEAT bias in this case.

from responsibly.we import calc_weat_pleasant_unpleasant_attribute

targets = {'first_target': {'name': 'Citizen',
                            'words': ['citizen', 'citizenship', 'nationality', 'native', 'national', 'countryman',
                                      'inhabitant', 'resident']},
          'second_target': {'name': 'Immigrant',
                            'words': ['immigrant', 'immigration', 'foreigner', 'nonnative', 'noncitizen',
                                      'relocatee', 'newcomer']}}

calc_weat_pleasant_unpleasant_attribute(w2v_model, **targets)
{'Attrib. words': 'Pleasant vs. Unpleasant',
 'Na': '25x2',
 'Nt': '6x2',
 'Target words': 'Citizen vs. Immigrant',
 'd': 0.70259565,
 'p': 0.13852813852813853,
 's': 0.1026485487818718}

Did Tolga’s hard debias method actually remove the gender bias?

Warning! The following paper suggests that the current methods have an only superficial effect on the bias in word embeddings:

Gonen, H., & Goldberg, Y. (2019). Lipstick on a Pig: Debiasing Methods Cover up Systematic Gender Biases in Word Embeddings But do not Remove Them. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03862.

Note: the numbers are not exactly as in the paper due to a slightly different preprocessing of the word embedding.

First experiment - WEAT before and after debias

# before

calc_all_weat(w2v_gender_bias_we.model, weat_data=(5, 6, 7),
              filter_by='model', with_original_finding=True,
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Given weat_data was filterd by model.
Target words Attrib. words Nt Na s d p original_N original_d original_p
0 Male names vs. Female names Career vs. Family 8x2 8x2 1.2516 1.9518 0 39k 0.72 < 1e-2
1 Math vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.2255 0.9981 2.3e-02 28k 0.82 < 1e-2
2 Science vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 0.3572 1.2846 4.0e-03 91 1.47 1e-24
# after

calc_all_weat(w2v_gender_debias_we.model, weat_data=(5, 6, 7),
              filter_by='model', with_original_finding=True,
/project/responsibly/responsibly/we/ UserWarning: Given weat_data was filterd by model.
Target words Attrib. words Nt Na s d p original_N original_d original_p
0 Male names vs. Female names Career vs. Family 8x2 8x2 0.7067 1.7923 0 39k 0.72 < 1e-2
1 Math vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 -0.0618 -1.1726 1.0e+00 28k 0.82 < 1e-2
2 Science vs. Arts Male terms vs. Female terms 8x2 8x2 -0.0286 -0.5306 8.4e-01 91 1.47 1e-24

For the first experiment, the WEAT score is still significant, while not for the other two. As stated in Gonen et al. paper, this is because the specific gender words as an attribute in the second and the third experiment are handled by the debiasing method.

Let’s use the target words of the first experiment (Male names vs. Female names) with the target words of the other two experiments as attribute words (Math vs. Arts and Science vs. Arts).

from responsibly.we import calc_single_weat
from import WEAT_DATA
# Significant result

{'Attrib. words': 'Math vs. Arts',
 'Na': '8x2',
 'Nt': '8x2',
 'Target words': 'Male names vs. Female names',
 'd': 1.513799,
 'p': 0.0009324009324009324,
 's': 0.34435559436678886}
# Significant result

{'Attrib. words': 'Science vs. Arts',
 'Na': '8x2',
 'Nt': '8x2',
 'Target words': 'Male names vs. Female names',
 'd': 1.0226882,
 'p': 0.022455322455322457,
 's': 0.20674265176057816}

Second experiment - Clustering as classification of the most biased neutral words

GenderBiasWE.plot_most_biased_clustering(w2v_gender_bias_we, w2v_gender_debias_we);