import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pkg_resources import resource_filename, resource_stream
from responsibly.dataset.core import Dataset
__all__ = ['GermanDataset']
GERMAN_PATH = resource_filename(__name__,
VALUES_MAPS = json.loads(resource_stream(__name__,
COLUMN_NAMES = ['status', 'duration', 'credit_history', 'purpose',
'credit_amount', 'savings', 'present_employment',
'installment_rate', 'status_sex', 'other_debtors',
'present_residence_since', 'property', 'age',
'installment_plans', 'housing',
'number_of_existing_credits', 'job',
'number_of_people_liable_for', 'telephone',
'foreign_worker', 'credit']
[docs]class GermanDataset(Dataset):
"""German Credit Dataset.
See :class:`~responsibly.dataset.Dataset` for a description of
the arguments and attributes.
- Kamiran, F., & Calders, T. (2009, February).
Classifying without discriminating.
In 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control
and Communication (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
This dataset requires use of a cost matrix (see below)
1 2
1 | 0 1
2 | 5 0
(1 = Good, 2 = Bad)
The rows represent the actual classification
and the columns the predicted classification.
It is worse to class a customer as good when they are bad (5),
than it is to class a customer as bad when they are good (1).
def __init__(self):
self.cost_matrix = [[0, 1], [5, 0]]
def _load_data(self):
return pd.read_csv(GERMAN_PATH, sep=' ', names=COLUMN_NAMES,
header=None, index_col=False)
def _preprocess(self):
"""Perform the same preprocessing as the dataset doc file."""
self.df['credit'] = self.df['credit'].astype(str)
for col, translation in VALUES_MAPS.items():
self.df[col] = self.df[col].map(translation)
new_column_names = COLUMN_NAMES[:]
self.df['status'], self.df['sex'] = (self.df['status_sex']
.split(' : ')
self.df = self.df.drop('status_sex', axis=1)
status_sex_index = new_column_names.index('status_sex')
new_column_names[status_sex_index:status_sex_index + 1] = \
['status', 'sex']
self.df['age_factor'] = pd.cut(self.df['age'],
[19, 25, 76],
age_factor_index = new_column_names.index('age') + 1
new_column_names.insert(age_factor_index, 'age_factor')
self.df = self.df[new_column_names]
def _validate(self):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
assert len(self.df) == 1000, 'the number of rows should be 1000,'\
' but it is {}.'.format(len(self.df))
assert len(self.df.columns) == 23, 'the number of columns should be 23,'\
' but it is {}.'.format(len(self.df.columns))
assert not self.df.isnull().any().any(), 'there are null values.'
assert self.df['age_factor'].nunique() == 2,\
'age_factor should have only 2 unique values,'\
' but it is{}'.format(self.df['age_factor'].nunique())